Monday, September 17, 2012


     "The 'cult' is understood to be any setting of worship, whether an official institutional site, such as a royally sponsored temple, . . . a temporary altar or shrine, . . . or a private household. . . . 'Liturgy' pertains to words and actions performed by cultic officials or laity in the course of worship. . . ."

     ". . . The writing prophets can easily be misunderstood as being antiritualistic, but consideration of their broader message indicates that they were deeply concerned that the cult function properly, and their visions often portray a promising future for temple worship. . . ."

     J. W. Hilber, "Liturgy and cult," in Dictionary of the Old Testament prophets, ed. Mark J. Boda and J. Gordon McConville (Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity Press, 2012), 514, 513 (513-524).