The destruction of the leaven
; destruction of leaven), the act of destroying . . . any leaven . . . in one’s possession on the morning of 14 Nisan . . . in accordance with the rabbinic interpretation of Exodus 12.15. . . . To make sure that “no leaven shall be seen with you” (Dt. 16.4), . . . leaven should, on the eve of [Pesaḥ], be either burned (biʿur) or disowned (bittul). . . . See also Bediqat Ḥamets."
"BIʿUR ḤAMETS" The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion. Ed. Adele Berlin and Maxine Grossman.Copyright © 2011 by Oxford University Press, Inc.. The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion: (e-reference edition). Oxford University Press. Seattle Pacific University. 19 April 2012